
What do I need to learn?

Semi is one of the most powerfull sofware solutions in education management. It was optimized in all areas, to show buisness processes in educational institutions efficiently. Semi has a clear and intuitiv user interface which is based on Microsoft Office 2013. The menus are adapt automatically adapted to the respective functional areas . For all important tasks, there are wizards and quick dialogues for the most important functions . Thats why Semi is one of the most modern and advanced Systems of its kind.

Add seminars

An event is based on a theme template . Locations, teachers and time get selected. You can use a schedule with different views and periods presented from one day to one year.

Via drag und drop you can manage your events and dates. You also can enter your events based on dialogues. Semi alerts you if appointments are at the same time or resources are unavailable.


Semi monitors the number of participants booked in regard to the potential number of participants , suggests classrooms, selects route maps and text documents for the location. Semi uses this information when creating the course catalogs, in the calculation or export to the Internet.

Teachers, trainers and speakers

Semi has a powerful management system for your teachers, trainers and speakers and uses these informationen automaticly in other topics. Manage contracts, wage agreements, vita, histories, locations, skills, specification oder temporal agreements .

Do timesheets for payroll directly into semi. For example, if your speakers agreements is about 80 working days, Semi notice how many are allready booked. Semi uses wage informations to calculate the breakeven analysis.

booking customers

Most of time you are using in the topis customers. So we optimized this area. Semi prints registration , amendment, cancellation , invoice, or inclusion in waiting lists or sent semi- automates all the necessary documents auomaticly.

you will benefit from over 20 years of experience and developing hand in hand with our clients. Thats why this area is efficient and easy to manage.

Semi automatically monitors availability and suitability of resources profiles and has a travel module , with the arrival , board and lodging details of your seminar participants be detected. Use hotel profiles for your customers .

Contact to your clients

In Semi you can use the CRM (customer relationship management). This is where you manage your E-Mails, documents, Phonecontacts. Most entries in the CRM are managed automaticly.

Semi is abel to conect with the TAPI-Phone System and select Phonenumbers or show you Customer file, informations and details matching the incomming call.

Semi allows you to send SMS messages. It only requires an Android phone or a customer account with one of the supported SMS gateways .

Profile based adresses

Client and Internetadresses are importent ressources. So, Semi includes a powerfull Adressmanagement system.
In semi , you can link addresses with any number of features and get an address group that shares certain characteristics. In the simplest case Adresses become clients , locations, conference hotels, speakers or companies employees.

Employee and employer structures

Employers and employees can be included in unlimited nested structures. One employee ca be employed by various companies. These employers be subsidiaries of larger companies which have a common corporate accounting , that receives all invoices. After recording the addressess, Semi automated searches the correct address for sending documents by post or email.

Training courses

Many courses include various modules and event blocks. Semi also includes a course functionality . You can add your clients to one or many training courses. The education system has special requirements for the mail merge and print management . With the information on courses and modules Semi create appropriate documents.

Eventdisplay at the lobby

Semi supports a large Eventdisplay for your venue. There are displayed all events, dates, rooms and speakers of the day. You can create all data directly from Semi and show welcome messages for guests and Clients.

Ratings und reports

Semi includes a module to create reports. First you have to create a tamplate. Than select the categories and the factors which affect individual notes and ratings
Then enter the individual data for your clients, trainees or students and import all from Semi Exchange.

Congress management

Semi has all the features you need for your Congress Management. With SemiWeb you present your congress and your events on the Internet . Your clients can register for events on the Internet, cancel bookings or retrieve documents. In SemiWeb you can provide documents, images and videos for clients in a public area or a private user area. The contenst of SemiWeb are directly from Semi. The events and templates provide specific features which control the content of your courses and documents in SemiWeb

Semi includes a special travel module to manage all arrival and departure , food and accommodation details of your clients. Even on the day of the congress Semi supports you with a local version.


Your clients and interested parties can register directly in SemiWeb to your seminars and events. Check new addresses or seminar registrations before saving it in the Semi course database.

Teachers have a protected area in semi. Speakers and coaches can find their upcoming events and attendence records.
Your clients also have a protected area in SemiWeb where they can find there booking history , download documents etc.
The basic version of semi can be adapted to your corporate identity.

Print and form letter management in Semi

Semi includes a powerfull automatic print and form letter management for your documents and attendance certificates, invoices , cancellations, changes, waiting lists etc .

DThe form letter an Adress logics in Semi are maximum efficiency . All starts with templates based on Windows Word. We optimized his tamplate logic for the seminar management. A small number of templates all requirements is all you need for your individual documents. Semi automatically selects the correct document depending on the event type or address properties

Semi linked document templates to merge with special automated functionality . In addition, you can link any number of templates and themes , addresses, personal . You can define an individual group for each template. So you can send the confirmation of attendance certificates or invoice to different recipients . Semi creates the links automatically.

The illustration of addresses on your mail merge documents or in reports in Semi is managed by address masks. An address mask consists of variables like First name , name, street , PO Box, postal code , city, country etc. You can define address masks for different templates, addresses, companies or persons. You also use variable masks for the the presentation of your speakers or event modules in lists or document.

templates with Microsoft Word

Use Microsoft Word to create your own templates. Semi includes as more as 300 print variables, to illustrate all the important informations. Semi provides text blocks standart dokuments, to create your own templates. Semi supports multi language documents and chooses the right document depending on the language of the client. A well managed system with the right templates is ready to create new documets for several events.

Microsoft Excel data import

You also can import adresses , registrations and Events automaticly by Microsoft Exce. So it's easy to add many events with different locations and references to a tamplate


For your templates you can create differnet price groups. These prices can be changed saperatly with fixed or free percentage discount rates.


For an education companie it is extremely necessary to have a future based annual planning and a controll system (revenue and cost planning). Semi allows the financial planning and budgeting in different ways . The breakeven analysis for planned und actual amounts are calculated automaticly. So you are allways able to notice variances.

Accounts and accounting

Wich Semi you can create invoices, cancellations and credits and export to many accounting formats like DATEV. Every accounting doccument like Invoices, credit notes etc. are created automaticly and provided with an invoice or cancellation number. Semi alos supports SEPA direct debit and the creation of a SEPA file for your bank.

Profitability of your seminars always in view

In "themes" you can record different prices of event templates, locations and teachers. You also can set additional costs for lunch, copies etc..
You can use prices from „theme templates“ for your whole conference, or set a different price for each event. Are honoraria and costs in plan? Are the number of participants in value?

Security and access contro

Semi has a role based access system. So you can assign or block certain functions for certain user groups For example casual employee are only able to book registration or record adresses Semi has an external program for setting up and operating users or set access rights. It also includes a backup and database maintenance function.