• Semi is the software for
    seminar and
    conference management

  • Semi contains modules
    for conference management

  • Semi is intuitive useable
    and clearly structured

Semi - our software solution for the seminar and conference management

Educational management is a major factor of success in schools, personal- and trainingdepartments, colleges, associations or other training facilities.
Our software solution for the seminar and conference management is called "Semi". "Semi" got more than 20 years of experience in the seminar - and conference management. Our clients include major companies, organizations, educational institutions and schools. Social Media, hard cost competition and growing educational institutions have changed the requirements for a modern seminar business. Semi provides solutions for all stages in the process and trims your organization efficiently processes:

  • • Planning: it starts with the annual plan of seminars and conferences. Revenue budgets, seminars, cost budgets and other resources are getting planned here. This annual plan is the base for the concrete classification of the events and resources

  • • Events: topic templates form the base. Rooms, teachers, coaches and equipment has to be set. General agreements with teachers and conference hotels need to be booked.

  • • Marketing: course content must be released to the public. Social Media and the Internet have changed habits in search and review. Printed program guids are not longer the state of art. You have to be, where your clients are.

  • • Participants management: recording, booking, rebooking and cancellation of clients or creating waiting lists. communication with costumers, teachers, coaches, partners or locations.

  • • Realisazion: event documents, scripts, list of participants, Namesigns, placecards, mobile office, Semi Exchange, qualitymanagemet, evaluation, after sales services. Leave satisfied customers.